Responsible Hotels of Switzerland

Wartegg Castle



The Responsible Hotels of Switzerland are pioneers of environmental and social sustainability. With strictly regional procurement, no plastics, supported employment and trainee positions or energy-saving infrastructures, Responsible Hotels are all conscientious – each in their own way.

Logo RHS

The Responsible Hotels of Switzerland are:


Responsible hotels lead the way when it comes to environmental sustainability – whether through energy-saving infrastructures or the use of produce grown in their own gardens.


Local commitment

Sleep in a bed carved by the carpenter next door, eat from dishes made by the village potter and savour wine from local wine-growing regions – responsible hotels are all about supporting regional businesses.

Kartause Ittingen, Kaesekeller

Supporting employees

Further development opportunities, career planning, training positions and modern staff accommodation – employees and supporting them are the most important thing in any responsible hotel. 

Rohrschacherberg, Schloss Wartegg

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