

The Nationalpark- Panoramaweg lets you venture through a variety of fascinating landscapes, while at the same time providing an insight into three differing cultural regions. Actually a hike through an international park.


The first tour through the charming valley and the Uina Gorge immediately begins with a highlight: a mountain path carved into the rock walls. On the second day, the trail leads from the Sesvenna Hut through extensive rocky landscapes past green and blue mountain lakes and the glaciated peaks of the Sesvenna Alps to S-charl.

The third day’s route continues along the valley floor with a detour to the mysterious God da Tamangur stone pine forest and a crossing on the southern slope with views of the Münstertal valley and Ortler mountain on the way to the Ofen Pass. From there, the fourth section enters the National Park for the first time and climbs to the peak of Munt la Schera, the top of which has been flattened somewhat by the glacier. The views range far across Livigno Valley and the elongated reservoir between steep, tree-covered mountain slopes.

The entire area of the Swiss National Park’s rugged landscape is protected. Consequently, you must always stay on the marked trails and picnic areas.

The fifth route in the heart of the National Park takes you from the Ofen Pass across Muottas Champlönch down to the deep Spölschlucht gorge and back up to Fuorcla Murter. The views here range far across valleys full of rocks and boulders, steep mountain slopes and rocky peaks. With a bit of luck and patience you might see chamois, deer, ibices, marmots, and a wide variety of birds.

Chamanna Cluozza, the starting point to the hike on day six, is situated in the middle of a stone pine forest, miles from anywhere. Along steep mountain slopes, through beautiful stone pine forests and across wild rock gullies you continue to Piz Murtaröl, the local mountain of Zernez. The seventh tour to the 23 Alpine lakes of the Macun plateau crosses scree slopes, meadows and dense mountain forests all the way to the top of Munt Baselgia at 2,945 m. The 360-degree views of the surrounding mountains and across large parts of the Engadin are incredible.

It is a trek of about 100 km in the easternmost corner of Switzerland, climbing a total of 6,700 altitude meters. These routes are particularly attractive in summer when the Alpine flora is in full bloom or in the autumn when the larch trees turn golden.

An enjoyable tour includes the careful planning of the same. Please inform yourself in advance at the local information center about the route and weather conditions. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this route may be blocked or interrupted

Technical information

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Start location
Round trip
7300 m
6900 m
105 km
Multiday route
9 days
Technical requirements
Physical requirements
With panoramic views, Through a Swiss Park
Signalisation in both directions
More information https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/route45

All stages


SwitzerlandMobility Map: This element is not accessible for disabled people.

Quick Facts

Route number

No. 45
Stages: 7


105 km


7300 m