Where togetherness leads to uniqueness A visit to Nicolò Paganini, berry producer and part of 100% Valposchiavo.




In Valposchiavo, everything is a little different. The valley in the south of Graubünden is virtually untouched, and yet manageable. But it is also a valley virtually without parallel when it comes to cohesion and innovation. One example of this would be the project “100% Valposchiavo”. We accompany Nicolò Paganini, berry producer and part of 100% Valposchiavo, in his day-to-day life and discover that it is the natural things that make life meaningful.

Valposchiavo, Graubünden

From glaciers to palms: The Valposchiavo winds its way from the ice giants of the Bernina massif, at over 2,000 metres above sea level, through rugged landscapes to the Mediterranean village of Campocologno, at around 500 metres above sea level, on the Italian border. The untouched landscape is dotted with unspoilt pretty villages that have borne witness to times gone by, with their churches and palaces. The valley in the south of Graubünden is considered a Swiss showcase in terms of the local value chain and attaches special importance to regional specialities.

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“In punta di piedi”. “On tiptoe” or acting with respect for nature.


Back to the basics.

It is early morning, and the sun has just made it over the barren mountain peaks. The still mild rays of sunshine reach Lago di Poschiavo. Here on the lake shore, lined with brightly coloured deciduous trees, stands Nicolò Paganini. Lost in thought, Nicolò gazes out over the smooth lake, in which the surrounding mountains are reflected. They only lose their clear contours when another high-spirited fish jumps out of the water. Moments like these make Nicolò think back to the basics: Humankind is just a tiny part of this vast ecosystem. Keeping interventions to the environment as gentle as possible is a must.

Berries meet world heritage.

It takes ten minutes to drive from Lago di Poschiavo to Nicolò’s berry field, which lies further south and a good 400 metres lower in terms of altitude. There, his employees are already busy picking the ripe autumn raspberries. From time to time, the red carriages of the Rhaetian Railway pass directly above the field. The Bernina railway line has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage “Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina landscapes” since 2008 and is one of the most spectacular railway lines in the world.

The core of the matter.

Nicolò does the work himself, but doesn’t miss an opportunity to have a chat with his employees: “For us valley residents, the term ‘collaboration’ is more than just a buzzword. Collaboration is everyday life for us and the heart of the valley.”

Valposchiavo in heart and soul.

Nicolò Paganini was born and raised in Valposchiavo and now lives and works in Campascio, a village of 200 people south of Brusio. Since the year 2000, the full-blooded Poschiavo man has been growing berries and stone fruits on his farm Piccoli Frutti, which he processes into fruit juices, jams, syrup and vinegar. Most recently, olive oil has also been added to this list. He is a passionate producer and represents the 60 or so farms in the valley that have joined the “100% Valposchiavo” project.

Nicolò Paganini, berry producer
If we want to give this valley a future, closely cooperating with the valley’s entire population is indispensable.
Nicolò Paganini

Added value for the whole valley.

In the meantime, the harvested raspberries have made it to Nicolò’s farm. In the kitchen, the thimble-shaped fruits are carefully processed into jam by his employees, some of whom have been part of the business for over 20 years. From preserving to filling the jars to labelling – all steps are carried out by the same small team. The jams are sold to guests and locals in the village shops and under the Coop own brand “Pro Montagna”. Tip: On the Berry Tour Campascio, you can visit the berry fields and orchards of Piccoli Frutti and sample their products.

It is not my valley and it is not my business. It is our valley and our business.
Nicolò Paganini

Respectful collaboration begins with the harvest.

At the same time, the blender is in use in the building’s smaller kitchen. Nicolò’s wife processes the freshly harvested chestnuts into delicious chestnut cream. When collecting chestnuts in the border village of Campocologno, by the way, it’s not a case of “the last there loses out”. Like all the other families in the municipality, Nicolò’s family has its own chestnut trees on municipality land.

From the valley, for the valley. For some, it is a challenge; for Valposchiavo, it has long been a habit.


“100% Valposchiavo”: a seal of quality for local indulgence.

Sown, tended, harvested, processed and refined – and all this in the same place. What used to be a necessity is anything but a matter of course today. Valposchiavo shows that it can still be done. With passion and innovation, the farmers and producers produce a wide range of agricultural products, most of which are processed right here in the valley. These “100% Valposchiavo” products are proudly sold in the village shops and provide real moments of indulgence for guests in the local restaurants.

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100% Valposchiavo

Experience 100% Valposchiavo.

The world’s best at 95%.

“100% Valposchiavo” is a unique and innovative association for strengthening local added value. And is it also unique? More than 95 percent of the agricultural land is farmed by certified organic farmers, making Valposchiavo unique in Switzerland and even worldwide! Nicolò is in the middle of the transition process with his farm. For him, this step is a matter of course.

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Today, it is almost a luxury to still have local production chains. For us, it was and still is normal.
Nicolò Paganini

Properly harnessing potential.

It is the geographical position of the valley that gives Valposchiavo the ideal conditions for its wide range of first-class agricultural products: At high altitudes, alpine farms produce alpine cheese and meat, while on the valley floor at 500 metres above sea level, the farms alternate between aromatic herb, berry and vegetable plantations. And last but not least, the extraordinary valley owes its intactness to the wealth of ideas of the people of Poschiavo.

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Creating something new together. The next objective: Switzerland’s first organic mountain olive oil.


A way of life that the valley needs.

When asked what the three most important things are for Nicolò, he doesn’t have to think long: collaboration and coexistence, ecological management and a good dose of innovation. All qualities that are crucial for this remote valley and its surprisingly diverse vegetation.

Working ecologically is a must if you interact with nature on a daily basis.
Nicolò Paganini

Innovation paired with special geographical conditions.

Tiziano arrives in front of his business, which also has four pretty guest rooms. The family friend planted 40 olive trees on the eastern slopes of Campascio a few years ago. On the way to the olive grove, the two Poschiavo men chat animatedly in Pusc’ciavin, the local Italian dialect. The location has proven to be ideal: the dry stone walls and the southern exposure allow the trees to thrive magnificently. Holding the first healthy fruits in your hands is proof of this.

We believe in the diversity of this valley and we believe in collaboration.
Nicolò Paganini
The Mediterranean-style church Chiesa di Sant’Antonio da Padova a Campascio can be found right next to the olive grove. Among the local village population, it is particularly known for its legends.

A common goal for Valposchiavo.

Together, the two men would like to build on this success. There are plans for 300 more olive trees. The terraces on the steep mountain flank, which were used until the 1980s to grow vegetables and fruit and then later tobacco and are fortified by dry stone walls, serve this purpose. The 300 olive trees will yield around 1,000 litres of olive oil. “The olive oil from Valposchiavo would thus be Switzerland’s first organic mountain olive oil,” Nicolò proudly explains.

Lasting impressions. Fascination that does not come from nowhere.


Exceptionally worth experiencing.

Raw, authentic, heartfelt: the words used to describe the valley are all of this ilk. With its remoteness, its wild nature and its proximity to Italy, with its piazzi surrounded by colourful buildings, local delicacies and the endearing people who give true meaning to the term “solidarity”, Valposchiavo is an exotic part of Switzerland just waiting to be discovered.

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The Brusio spiral viaduct is one of the highlights of the Bernina line. The 143-metre-long structure impresses guests from all over the world.