
The nose is important for our sense of smell and ability to breathe. Disorders of the nose are an extreme nuisance and restrict everyday life. Common diseases of the sinuses or nose are polyps or a deviation of the nasal septum. The ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist will operate to resolve problems and correct anatomical structures. Allergy tests and the corresponding treatments are also carried out.

How is nasal correction or nasal septum surgery carried out?
The shape of the nose is not only important when it comes to breathing, but also with respect to aesthetic appearance. A nose operation can correct both nasal function and external shape. After an accident or an unsuccessful operation, the ear, nose and throat specialist can restore the shape of the nose. A misaligned nasal septum can also be fixed, making it easier to breathe. Modern nasal surgery methods are gentle, ensuring that the wound heals well and is not too painful.

How are nasal polyps removed?
Nasal polyps are growths that develop in the lining of the nose. They can impair breathing and sense of smell. Because they obstruct the nose, they can cause nasal speech and snoring. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to combat nasal polyps. Treatment for an allergy can also help. If the polyps are too big, surgery is required. Nasal polyps are removed at their point of origin in the nasal sinuses. This involves the use of an endoscope, an instrument that is inserted through the nose.

What helps with hay fever?
Hay fever is an allergic reaction of the nasal mucous membrane to pollen or grasses. The ear, nose and throat specialist will examine the nose and use skin and blood tests to determine what triggers the allergy. Nasal drops or medication can help combat the allergy. With desensitisation, the body slowly gets accustomed to the allergy trigger. As in vaccination, small doses of the allergen are injected multiple times over a prolonged period of time. The body’s allergic reaction gradually becomes less noticeable.

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Disorders of the ear
Balance disorders/vertigo
Hearing loss
Deviated septum
Nasal polyps
Disorders of the throat